Industrial action/disputes page 57 of 82

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FWC brokers end to refinery strike

A seven-day strike at a Victorian oil refinery has ended, after it won two court orders to stop pickets and the FWC brokered a return to work.

FWC orders end to strikes at Lend Lease sites

The FWC has banned hundreds of subcontractor workers at six Lend Lease projects in Queensland from taking unlawful industrial action in support of protected strikes by two dozen of the construction giant's direct employees.

FWC explains decision to terminate industrial action at airports

The FWC terminated protected action at airports because suspension would have provided a "non-permanent conclusion" to the long-running bargaining dispute between the CPSU and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

FWC terminates DIBP industrial action

The Fair Work Commission has terminated industrial action at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, opening the door to the arbitration of a new agreement after a bargaining deadlock of almost three years.

Boral lost customers from CFMEU boycott, court hears

Concrete supplier Boral suffered "substantial losses and damage" from a boycott organised by the Victorian CFMEU because it was a crucial supplier to Grocon, the Federal Court heard today.

Union promotes 'site rates' as bulwark against labour hire spread

The AMWU is pushing for 'site rates' at a big McCains food processing plant in regional Victoria to discourage the spread of contractors and labour hire workers by ensuring they are on the same pay and conditions as employees.

Construction cop drops part of case against CFMEU's Parker

The FWBC has dropped a substantial part of its case against NSW CFMEU leaders it is accusing of unlawfully entering a $65 million construction project based on "unfounded immigration and superannuation concerns".

Court finds "informal chat" an entry breach

CFMEU officials acted improperly when they entered a construction site under the guise of just "catching up" to have an informal "chat" with employees during their lunch breaks, a court has found.