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Coverage shortfall dashes majority support bid

An ETU bid for a majority support determination covering team leaders at a major power station has fallen at the first hurdle, with the union failing to establish that they are "electricians" or in a role peculiar to the electrical industry.

ACTU draft RtD clause extends too far: AiG

The AiG is calling for the FWC to reject the ACTU's "misguided and inappropriate" draft "right to disconnect" award clause, and AREEA is recommending the final clause mirror the legislation, rather than expand it.

FAAA's Qantas SJSP bids set for take-off

FWC President Adam Hatcher will conduct a directions hearing next Thursday to tackle two FAAA "same-job, same-pay" claims on behalf of Qantas labour hire cabin crew engaged via Maurice Alexander Management and one of the airline's many subsidiaries.

MEU makes 10 more SJSP applications

The MEU has filed 10 "same-job, same-pay" applications targeting BHP coal mines in Queensland, seeking to lift the pay of about 1700 labour hire workers by between $10,000 and $40,000 a year and stamp out a model that has "spread like a cancer" in the industry.

Rule changes will help union meet governance obligations: FWC

The FWC's registered organisations branch has certified rule changes for a prison officers' union stemming from an enforceable undertaking made after the CPSU-SPSF disclosed alleged misconduct in branch elections.

Reproductive leave not on agenda: Burke

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has ruled out legislating to insert 10 days' paid reproductive health leave into the NES.

FAAA set to launch two Qantas SJSP claims

The FAAA says the Qantas response to its first "same-job, same-pay" claims on behalf of domestic labour hire cabin crew will say "an awful lot" about the leadership of new chief executive Vanessa Hudson, as the union foreshadows more applications to come.