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Government seeks court help to revive Esso deal

The Victorian government plans to intervene for a second time in a lengthy bargaining dispute over a new enterprise agreement covering Esso's offshore oil and gas workers in Bass Strait.

Judge evokes BLF deregistration in CFMMEU ruling

A Federal Court judge has evoked the memory of the BLF's deregistration in the course of handing out maximum fines to the CFMMEU for "deplorable" breaches by a past State branch president, suggesting that any organisation that fails to rein in aberrant behaviour "cannot expect to remain registered in its existing form".

Union official avoids personal payment order

In a significant blow to ABCC attempts to rein in the behaviour of union officials by holding them personally liable for breach fines, the Federal Court has today ruled that an offender's past record must be taken into account before imposing such conditions.

Unions take election laws challenge to High Court

NSW unions have launched a High Court challenge to new state electoral funding laws that they allege were crafted to criminalise the trade union movement's core operating method and silence working people's dissenting political voices.

RBA locks out note printers chasing more money

The AMWU says a decision by the RBA's money printing arm, Note Printing Australia, to lock out workers in response to a planned one-hour stopwork leaves members free to employ an element of surprise in future actions in support of a new deal.

HSU elections signal steady as she goes

The HSU's efforts to rebuild after a series of scandals appear to be gaining traction, with the union confirming almost all state branch leadership positions will be returned unopposed except for SA, where members are challenging its entire management committee.

Pickers to test vulnerable workers laws

Five migrant fruit pickers at the centre of a $10 million Federal Court claim against a labour hire company and its owners are seeking to be recognised as casuals, alleging their contracts for piecework were invalid and based average take home pay on an unrealistic workload.