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HSU elections signal steady as she goes

The HSU's efforts to rebuild after a series of scandals appear to be gaining traction, with the union confirming almost all state branch leadership positions will be returned unopposed except for SA, where members are challenging its entire management committee.

Pickers to test vulnerable workers laws

Five migrant fruit pickers at the centre of a $10 million Federal Court claim against a labour hire company and its owners are seeking to be recognised as casuals, alleging their contracts for piecework were invalid and based average take home pay on an unrealistic workload.

Worker blew last chance "spectacularly"; Alcoa strike; & more

Worker blew last chance "in spectacular fashion"; Alcoa mine and refinery workers down tools; Foreign pilots visa designed to drive down salaries: Union; Emergency services commissioner resigns over bullying.

Sign of the times as 100-year-old journal bites the dust

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has accelerated its shift to communicating with members via electronic channels, after ceasing publication of its almost century-old journal, Common Cause.

Gordon Legal wins big union client

The CFMMEU's Victorian construction division has shifted its lucrative legal work from Slater & Gordon to Gordon Legal.

Union, FWO tackle hairdressing's "cultural problem"

The AWU's Hair Stylists Australia has deployed its first paid organiser to tackle the "widespread cultural problem" of underpayments as the FWO pursues another hairdressing industry scalp on behalf of a teenage apprentice short-changed $14,500.

Union sin-binned over garbled message in XXXX dispute

The union leading the campaign against prospective job losses at a major brewery is at risk of being sidelined after the FWC found it "reached the line between [unacceptably careless disregard] and. . . deliberate non-compliance" in failing to communicate restraining notices to members.

Bench cuffs union over prison guard sacking

In an instructive decision on the treatment of post-dismissal medical evidence, an FWC full bench has thrown out the appeal of a prison officer declared fit after being sacked on medical grounds, while again taking a swipe at his union's handling of the matter.