Registered organisations page 124 of 223

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AWU seeks to put Cash in the witness box

The AWU will seek to call Jobs Minister Michaelia Cash as a witness in their Federal Court proceedings over the AFP raids on union offices last year.

Super-union challenge likely to head to court if appeal denied

The Fair Work Commission has reserved its decision on whether to permit an appeal against the approval of the CFMEU's merger with the MUA and the TCFU, employer groups signalling their challenge wouldn't end there if refused.

Union takes state branch back to court over outstanding loan

CEPU communications division national secretary Greg Rayner has dragged a state branch before the Federal Court for the second time in two years in a bid to claw back cash provided to fund the redundancy of a long-serving administration employee.

Peak employer group calls for sub-2% rise

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called for this year's minimum wage increase to be no higher than 1.9% or about $13.20 a week, after taking into account the impact on small and regional businesses.

Union officials say they were unlawfully bugged

Former union leader Julie Bignell is among of a group of senior elected officials and employees of Together Queensland who have complained to the ROC and privacy commissioner over alleged unlawful and unauthorised covert in-house surveillance of their emails and keystrokes during a protracted merger process completed three years ago.

AWU commissions review of membership systems

In the lead-up to the AWU wielding its numbers at the ACTU Congress in July, the union has commissioned a "modern membership project" after the Registered Organisations Commission recommended that it undertake an external audit to correct historical discrepancies in its enrolments.

CFMEU official fined, but spared personal payment order

A court has elected not to impose a personal payment order against a CFMEU official fined $7500 for organising action that severely disrupted a major construction project, despite finding his actions "nothing short of unconscionable".