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War breaks out between shop and meat unions

Tensions over the new national agreement covering Coles supermarkets has boiled over into angry public exchanges between officials from the SDA and the meatworkers' union.

Minimum wage a key economic driver: Shorten

Federal Labor in opposition made its first-ever submission to a national wage case because of the critical role of the minimum wage in driving consumption and ensuring the dignity of ordinary workers, the party’s leader, Bill Shorten, told the ACTU’s Congress today.

Unions commit to $13m political campaign fund

The ACTU’s Congress has today endorsed a three-year, $13 million political campaign strategy will use unexploited seams of “gold” data held by unions, combined with boots on the ground in 35 marginal seats.

Unions seeking 2% extra super contribution for women

The ACTU’s Congress has today called for women to receive an extra 2% employer superannuation contribution to make up for their lower retirement balances in comparison to men.

Gorgon workers set to vote on new agreement

The massive $54 billion Gorgon LNG project could gain an assurance of industrial peace for the largest part of its workforce, if workers employed by one of its major contractors accept a new FWC-brokered enterprise deal with fewer working days in each roster cycle.

Looming court ruling might expose AWU to substantial damages

The Federal Court has reserved its decision in a case in which Esso Australia argues that members of the AWU took unprotected industrial action, which cut its oil and gas production in Bass Strait in March and April.