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CFMMEU pays out $500K-plus to "whistleblowers"

The CFMMEU won't be proceeding with a potential High Court challenge to the ruling that it unlawfully dismissed two "whistleblower" officials, Andrew Quirk and Brian Miller, electing instead to pay out more than half a million dollars in compensation to them.

FSU pushes back against ANZ, RBA

ANZ's plan to "force" workers to return to the office for half of the working week is "short-sighted", "antiquated" and "punitive", according to the Finance Sector Union, which is also urging members at the RBA to reject a second unilateral bargaining offer.

SDA members carved-out from RAFFWU-backed class action

Shine Lawyers says the exclusion of thousands of SDA members from its McDonald's class action will "inform future interplay" between union and non-union representative proceedings, while a full court ruling has set a "powerful precedent" for using collective action to protect workers' rights.

Successful entry rights appeal "victory for common sense": Academic

In what a leading labour law academic describes as a "victory for common sense", a full court has quashed a ruling that union officials cannot use their right to enter premises for discussions with members to gather signatures on petitions or "secure a commitment to a particular course of action in the future".

Extended notice would curb worker bargaining power: FWC

A FWC presidential member has taken a harder line on extending notice periods for protected action, rejecting Virgin Australia's bid to increase warnings of strikes and bans from three to seven days, because it would result in diminished worker bargaining power.

Supposed "psycho-social hazard" no excuse for stoppages: Court

In a matter closely examining when building workers can down tools in response to potential safety risks, a court has found that two union officials breached workplace laws when involved in effectively shutting down a major construction site over concerns about a fire hydrant and a belligerent project manager said to pose a "psycho-social hazard".

FWC bench derails loco division demerger push

The FWC has rejected the Victorian Locomotive Division's bid to demerge from the RTBU, just weeks after it issued a plea to a Senate inquiry to block a Closing Loopholes provision aimed at shuttting the door on such disamalgamations.

Chevron "disappointed" as unions prepare for strikes, bans

Chevron is accusing unions of ignoring a FWC recommendation to halt industrial action set to begin on Thursday while negotiations continue today before Commissioner Bernie Riordan to iron out differences that emerged after the parties reached a settlement on September 22.