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Tribunal backs workers after virus-driven stand down

The FWC has ordered an aged care provider to restore leave days to employees it directed to stay away from work over COVID-19 transmission fears, observing "it's just the right thing to do".

FWC bench spells out prerequisites for legal representation

An FWC full bench has clarified the preconditions for employers being granted legal representation, rejecting a presidential member's opinion that jurisdictional questions are inherently complex and dismissing "bare assertions" about an HR team's incapacity to contest a case.

Tribunal refuses to extend helping hand to sacked worker

A worker sacked after allegedly masturbating at work when he claimed he was scratching a persistent rash between his pubic bone and belly button has failed to establish that his employer discriminated against him on the basis of an impairment.

"Gay" colleague disputed touching was inappropriate: Claim

Financial services company IOOF is facing simultaneous adverse action claims, one from a former senior manager who alleges it sacked her because she was suffering from workplace stress and another from a manager claiming sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

Court backs PepsiCo's pursuit of embezzler

A PepsiCo subsidiary has won a $4.5 million order against a former finance manager who siphoned the money off to personal accounts before falsely claiming his wife had committed suicide and absconding overseas.

Fond farewell email sparked sacking, claims manager

A long serving manager who group-replied to a colleague's departure announcement expressing surprise at his leaving claims it led to his own sacking after being accused by his supervisor of lacking professionalism.

Account director did not foresee Oracle sacking

A former ANZ account director at Oracle Australia who claims he was told he had zero emotional intelligence before being sacked without warning is suing it in an adverse action claim seeking more than $780,000 plus commissions and penalties.

$200K research brief to aid Government casuals campaign

The Morrison Government has signed a $198,000 contract for market research that might inform an advertising campaign to sell the changes in the IR omnibus bill that is before the Senate.

Celebrated charity founder "a big bamboozler": FWC

The FWC has in a book-length decision questioned a former Young Australian Of The Year's wisdom in pursuing an unfair dismissal case that shed light on "potential" fraud committed against the homeless people's charity she founded.