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Work "trial" did not signal start of continuous service: FWC

The 12-day gap between a concreter's two-day "trial" and starting full-time work did not count as "continuous" employment, leaving him just shy of the statutory minimum necessary to challenge his dismissal, the FWC has found.

CEO's sacking for credit card use no "witch hunt": Court

A court has thrown out claims by a HR consultancy's former chief executive that she experienced relentless bullying, unilateral pay deductions and an excessive workload before her unlawful sacking in 2020 for allegedly misusing a corporate credit card.

Catholic teachers seek to break bargaining "deadlock"

The union that won the first multi-employer bargaining authorisation under the Secure Jobs provisions is now seeking an intractable bargaining declaration as Catholic school teachers prepare to vote on a third unilateral offer after two years of fruitless single-interest bargaining.

Vaccination refusal not a repudiation of contract: FWC

Australia’s largest family-owned office supplies company unfairly sacked an account manager when it claimed she repudiated her contract by refusing to get a COVID-19 jab, the FWC has found.

Worker's failure to heed FWC's "important note" scuttles court case

A court has refused to grant a self-represented on-hire worker a second extension of time to pursue his "confusing" adverse action case, finding too many gaps in his explanation for a 10-week delay during which he badgered the FWC to arbitrate the matter and travelled overseas.

Loopholes Bill nobbles umpire: BHP

BHP has accused the Albanese Government of "blatantly" seeking to undermine the FWC's independent decision-making by declaring the company's Operations Services internal labour hire arm a key target of the Closing Loopholes legislation.

SDA chided for "suboptimal" approach to McDonald's class action

A judge who rejected a SDA bid to prioritise its breaks case against McDonald's by staying an earlier RAFFWU-backed class action has contrasted the "lacklustre and misdirected approach" of the country's second-largest union with that of the unregistered, seven-year-old union and its lawyers.

Strikes loom as Sydney Water workers reject proposed deal

Sydney Water is facing potential industrial action as early as tomorrow, with unions this morning expected to tell the FWC that members have rejected the tribunal's recommended deal to settle their bargaining dispute.

Chevron "disappointed" as unions prepare for strikes, bans

Chevron is accusing unions of ignoring a FWC recommendation to halt industrial action set to begin on Thursday while negotiations continue today before Commissioner Bernie Riordan to iron out differences that emerged after the parties reached a settlement on September 22.