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Director liable for underpayments despite limited understanding: Court

In a significant decision on directors' liability for underpayments, a court has found that although the co-founder of Chatime was unaware the bubble-tea chain was in breach of workplace laws, he understood enough about award obligations around casual and weekend penalty rates to be considered complicit.

Ballot closing on weekend for new Apple deal

The FWC is poised to shelve a three-day hearing of RAFFWU's bid to terminate Apple's 2014 agreement if workers this weekend vote up a proposed new deal, which has won the backing of both the SDA and the ASU.

Alleged forced resignation discriminatory: Lobbyist

Scott Morrison's former policy director has been given extra time to pursue an adverse action case alleging discrimination against one of Australia's best-connected lobbying firms, which claims he resigned after it denied him a stake in the business.

Extending zombie deals shouldn't dampen negotiations: Bench

A FWC full bench has trimmed a union-sought extension to three zombie deals covering more than 500 IT workers after factoring in the Secure Jobs legislation's inherent "policy preference" for agreements negotiated under the Fair Work Act.

Casual caught up in "pool cleaning" was sacked: FWC

A charity did not "intend" to sack a casual carer seeking to resume shifts after recovering from a back injury, but its dithering and poor communications nevertheless "had that effect", the FWC has found.

Blank form a valid application: Tribunal

In a significant decision on what constitutes a valid application, the FWC has allowed a general protections claim to proceed despite the worker submitting a blank form.

UFU to test Secure Jobs deadlock-breaking power

FWC President Adam Hatcher will convene a directions hearing on Wednesday for what might be the first substantive test of the Secure Jobs' intractable bargaining declaration provisions, after the United Firefighters Union sought to break an impasse with Fire Rescue Victoria over wage rises for thousands of firefighters.

Failure to confirm dismissal counts against employer

The FWC has extended time for a worker to lodge an adverse action case after he mistakenly filed an unfair dismissal claim, finding his refusal to sign his employer's letter terminating his employment did not excuse its subsequent failure to provide written confirmation.