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Police end ship crew's sit-in

A police raid today has ended the sit-in protest by MUA members aboard the CSL Melbourne in the port of Newcastle.

New shipping flashpoint over CSL vessel

More disputes are brewing over plans to replace Australian seafarers on coastal trading ships with cheaper overseas vessels and crew.

Transfer to vulnerable position before redundancy not adverse action

Making a project manager redundant after granting his request to be transferred to a less secure position did not constitute adverse action as the new role was better for his mental health and the employer's decision was based on his competence, qualifications, tenure and a business downturn, a court has found.

Bench upholds sacking for racist comments

Prior employee misconduct that did not result in dismissal but demonstrates a "pattern of unacceptable behaviour" must be considered when determining unfair dismissal cases, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled.

AWU calls for ASIC probe to uncover QN entitlements liability

The AWU is calling for the corporate regulator to investigate whether Queensland Nickel breached corporations laws and whether owner Clive Palmer is acting as a "shadow director", as part of the union's push to secure members' outstanding entitlements.

PC pushes for new statutory commission for wages, awards

The Productivity Commission, in its final report on the IR system today, says the FWC should be broken up into two bodies, with the new institution to determine minimum wages and awards.

Company ordered to pay $1.3 in damages for bullying, harassment

A construction company - which came to the attention of the Heydon Royal Commission for paying AWU membership fees on behalf of employees, even if they were not members - has been ordered to pay $1.3 million in damages after admitting it failed to prevent a female labourer being s-xually harassed and bullied by her workmates.

FWC upholds ATO's sacking of manager who failed to lodge tax returns

The ATO's sacking of a debt collection manager with almost 30-years' service has been upheld by the FWC after it found her failure to lodge personal tax returns over four consecutive years amounted to serious misconduct that warranted dismissal.