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Employers choosing from five WFH models: Research

The COVID-19 pandemic has spawned five distinct work-from-home models, according to the authors of a FWC-commissioned study that found formal policies and relatively fixed hours are key to a successful WFH strategy.

Comcare concludes Boyce investigation

Comcare's chief executive has told a Senate Estimates hearing that her organisation has completed its investigation of FWC member Gerard Boyce's alleged use of fireworks at a tribunal after-hours function.

Court full bench repels third-party suppression bid

A full Federal Court has knocked back a Transport for NSW bid to prevent disclosure of tender documents and other evidence in the RTBU's challenge to an FWC finding that a privatised Sydney bus service is a genuine new enterprise that can be covered by a greenfields agreement.

Ross sidelines Dean after vaccination case dissent

FWC President Iain Ross wrote to Deputy President Lyndall Dean after her controversial dissent in the Kimber compulsory vaccination ruling and alerted IR Minister Michaelia Cash to the correspondence, a Senate committee heard this evening.

Police fail in tribunal vax challenge, but win in court

Queensland police officers have failed to convince a Queensland IRC full bench that the Police Commissioner failed to consult them on a COVID-19 vaccine workforce mandate or lacked power to issue it, but the State's Supreme Court has opened the way for another challenge.

Litigants say vax mandates breach human rights charter

Victoria's Supreme Court is this morning livestreaming a hearing into a major challenge to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, with more than 100 health, construction and education workers and others arguing it breaches the State's Human Rights Charter.

Workplaces losing menopausal workers in their prime: Inquiry

Three in five women encounter difficulties at work due to menopause and many are leaving at what might be the "peak of their experience", according to a UK inquiry that is hearing how to provide better support.

Call for federally-funded employers to hire direct

A Labor/Greens-majority secure work Senate inquiry is calling on the Morrison Government to require federally-funded entities, including universities, aged care and disability services, to give preference to direct, permanent jobs.

Three-month delay for FDV leave review

The FWC has pushed back hearings for the ACTU's bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave from next month to late February next year.

Woolies, Coles introduce vaccine mandates

Two of Australia's largest employers, retailers Woolworths and Coles, have today announced mandatory vaccination policies that will be rolled out in coming months.