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FWC rebuffs employer bid for "bullied" worker's medical records

The FWC has refused to order a worker's general practitioner to hand over medical records as it considers her anti-bullying case, noting that even if the information is relevant, requiring it might have a "harmful impact" on her health and wellbeing.

UK Labour promises NZ-style sectoral safety net

The UK Labour Party has opened its annual conference by pledging to follow the New Zealand example of introducing "Fair Pay Agreements", as part of a "New Deal" for Britain's 31 million workers.

Anti-mandate workers fail in Gladys subpoena bid

Workers challenging NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard's ability to force them to be vaccinated have failed to subpoena Premier Gladys Berejiklian for documents she took into account when stating this month that it is "not in our power" to mandate inoculations.

"Invasive" urine-sample demand reasonable: FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an "intransigent" sales employee who declined on "medical" grounds to comply with her employer's lawful and reasonable direction to supply a urine sample for a random drug and alcohol test.

Anti-vax protests continue, as construction shuttered

The Melbourne CBD has faced a second day of threatening and sometimes violent anti-vaccination protests after the Victorian Government ordered an immediate two-week shutdown of the construction industry last night.

Court grounds Qantas bid to halt reinstatements

The Federal Court has today refused to grant a Qantas bid to stay a hearing that could lead to the reinstatement of some or all of almost 1700 ground crew whose jobs the airline outsourced earlier this year.

Qantas seeks to delay ruling on outsourced jobs

The Federal Court is expected to rule this morning on a Qantas application to stay its decision on a remedy - including the possibility of reinstatement - for almost 1700 ground crew whose jobs the airline outsourced earlier this year.

Setka roughed-up in anti-vax protests

CFMMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka has today been abused and jostled by anti-vaccination protesters outside the union's offices in Melbourne.

Bad punt as union, officials fined $121K for entry breaches

The Federal Court has described the CFMMEU's construction and general division and four of its officials as having "taken the odds" when assuming there was no statutory requirement for them to show entry permits when accessing a major project site.