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FWC douses firefighting IBD, urges further talks

The FWC has refused to grant Ventia an intractable bargaining declaration it sought after workers at outsourced Defence aviation firefighting operations in Queensland rejected its unilateral offer, in the tribunal's first contested IBD case determined by a single member.

10-day hearing for Qantas outsource compensation case

The Federal Court has programmed a 10-day hearing in March next year to determine any compensation for the 1680 Qantas group employees the airline subjected to unlawful adverse action when it outsourced their jobs at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Unvaccinated worker awarded $55K compensation

The FWC has rejected an employer's argument that commissions should not be included in calculating compensation for an account manager found to have been unfairly sacked after refusing to get a COVID-19 jab.

Court clears way for UWU to dismiss organisers

The Federal Court has refused to restrain the United Workers Union from dismissing two organisers who claim it subjected them to unlawful adverse action, finding the union's evidence "all-but-overwhelming".

Wrong line: FWC roasts employer after cocaine sacking

The FWC has reinstated a Sydney Trains worker who used cocaine while on leave, after lambasting the employer for not making it clear that it tests for use rather than impairment and for failing to take on board earlier criticism of its drug and alcohol policy.

Court reserves on anti-sacking case against UWU

A Federal Court judge has today reserved on an application to restrain the UWU from dismissing two organisers who claim it subjected them to adverse action for backing a majority support petition as part of a campaign for a new in-house enterprise agreement, but the union claims their case is "untenable" and should be thrown out.

Chest infection a temporary disability: Court

A court has ordered a cafe to pay a teenage worker $7300 compensation, including $6000 for hurt and humiliation, after it took unlawful adverse action because of his temporary disability when it dismissed him for calling in sick due to a chest infection.

Personal fine for official who knocked manager's hat off

A CFMMEU official who pushed a site manager and knocked his hard hat off has copped a $10,500 fine and orders to personally fork out 30%, while the repeat offender's latest transgression has cost the union more than $70,000.

Sacked wharfie's explanation not blame-shifting: FWC

Qube Ports must reinstate a stevedore who pranged a client's $70,000 Mercedes after an operations manager mistook her explanations as an attempt to excuse her behaviour or shift the blame.

Continuing bullying a "failure of leadership": FWC

Former Toll subsidiary Team Global Express has avoided anti-bullying orders through the resignation of a perpetrator and taking significant measures to remove the risk of further substandard conduct, but the FWC has called on it to address a "failure of local leadership".