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RSRT forges ahead with Easter hearings

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal is set to go ahead with hearings over the Easter weekend on whether to delay its contractor driver minimum rates order, despite opposition from the Federal Government.

ABCC Bill doesn't address Heydon's union governance focus: Academic

The Turnbull Government is seeking to make a direct link between the Heydon Royal Commission's findings and the ABCC legislation that looks set to be a double-dissolution trigger, but there is no concrete policy connection between the two, according to a leading IR academic.

Wildcat strike at Fairfax after job cuts heralded

Journalists at Fairfax Media's flagship publications have walked off the job today after the management unveiled a plan to cut a further 120 full-time equivalent positions.

Cash backs delay for contractor driver minimum rates

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has thrown her weight behind the AiG's bid to delay the April 4 rollout of the contractor driver minimum rates order, warning of adverse effects on the economy, the movement of freight and on the viability of businesses.

Lawler's conduct "undignified", far below expectations: Heerey

Former Fair Work Commission Vice-President Michael Lawler's conduct on the ABC's Four Corners program was "far below" what the public was entitled to expect from somebody in his position, according to the silk who investigated his conduct.

Bank managers "got what they bargained for": Court

A full Federal Court has rebuffed a group of St George Bank managers who claimed the employer engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct when it retrenched them after promising they would receive retention bonuses if they stayed in their jobs during a merger with Westpac.