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Union to appeal dismissal over Hitler parody video

The AWU will argue that a senior FWC member failed to factor in the "true nature and effect" of a BP technician's Hitler parody video in its appeal against her decision upholding his sacking.

Builder penalised for spurning non-union contractor

A construction company's refusal to to engage a non-union subcontractor at the CFMMEU's behest has now cost it $275,000 in penalties and compensation, with the Federal Circuit Court noting such conduct "has the potential to perpetuate a culture of submission".

Rugby Australia warns of implications of a Folau win

Refuting claims that it terminated rugby union player Israel Folau's contract because of his religious beliefs, Rugby Australia has warned of broad ramifications if he establishes that there is a common law principle prohibiting contracts that restrict people from sharing their religious views.

Oil giant maintains push to axe deal

Esso Australia is appealing the FWC's refusal to terminate the agreement for its Bass Strait oil and gas operations, arguing the tribunal denied it procedural fairness.

Rebel retail union opposing fast food deal

The SDA has hit back at claims by RAFFWU that a Hungry Jack's deal awaiting approval in the FWC is the worst since the unregistered union's inception, rejecting contentions that it tries to "casualise part-time work" and denies workers a choice of super fund without paying enough to leave them better off.

FWO seeks to take piecework case to High Court

The Fair Work Ombudsman will seek special leave from the High Court to appeal a full Federal Court ruling on whether hundreds of casual mushroom workers on non-compliant piecework agreements are entitled by default to be paid hourly rates under the horticultural award.

Employer ordered to reinstate "pain inflicting" firefighter

A tribunal has reinstated a long-serving emergency services worker sacked for using "pain stimuli" on recruits during training, after it found his largely unblemished work history outweighed his misconduct.

Esso slashes damages claim against AWU

The AWU says that Esso Australia has slashed the size of a compensation claim over unprotected industrial action in 2015 from $54 million to about $8.6 million.