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FWC rejects O'Dwyer bid to refer legal question to Federal Court

FWC President Iain Ross's delegate has refused to refer to the Federal Court IR Minister Kelly O'Dwyer's "revolutionary" question of law as to whether the Fair Work Act allows indirectly discriminatory terms in agreements, while also flagging potential hurdles to her quest for a review of a new fire brigade deal.

Professor contesting "privileged" status of pre-investigation advice

After winning an interlocutory injunction reversing her suspension from Melbourne University, the head of its culture and communication school is challenging her employer's claim that legal advice received before appointing an investigator to probe possible misconduct is privileged.

Hiatus for Chemist Warehouse agreement ballot

The FWC has made a bargaining order requiring Chemist Warehouse to delay a vote on a proposed enterprise agreement, as an indefinite strike continues at key warehouses in Victoria and Queensland.

Employer pays for "sham" job proposal

A small employer must pay almost $15,000 to a former part-time worker it sacked for rejecting an "inflexible" full-time job proposal the FWC concluded had been designed to "get rid" of her.

ETU looking to supercharge casual leave test cases

The ETU is anticipating multiple backpay claims on behalf of thousands of labour hire and FIFO workers at resource, electrical supply and construction companies across Australia as part of a new campaign seeking to challenge their classification as casuals.

Clubs fail in bid to can award, cut penalty rates

An FWC full bench has rejected Clubs Australia's bid to cut penalty rates for more than 100,000 workers by revoking the industry award and folding it into the hospitality award, describing the attempt as inflicting "economic harm" without any countervailing benefits.

Employee compensated for "callous" post-merger dismissal

An accounts officer who returned from leave to find her desk had been cleared has been awarded $7690 in compensation for her employer's "callous act" in making her redundant without any warning or consultation.

Husband's Slack attack no reason for dismissal: FWC

The FWC has lambasted an employer's outdated views on marriage after it sacked an IT specialist whose husband railed against its managing director via team messaging application Slack, but nonetheless slashed her payout by $56,000 on re-hearing her unfair dismissal application.