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Multinational sued by training specialist "marked as a betrayer"

The operator of a multi-billion dollar offshore gas project is being sued for gender discrimination, a former employee alleging the company paid her less than men, refused to cover travel costs, and took adverse action by downgrading her duties when she made complaints in the course of her job.

Former ministerial advisor facing squeeze on AWU raid questions

The Federal Court will rule this morning on whether a former senior media advisor to ex-Employment Minister Michaelia Cash will be required to answer questions in the AWU raids case, despite claiming privilege on the grounds of self-incrimination.

"Big black b*stard" comment not a racial slur: FWC

A senior radio journalist sacked for referring to singer Michael Jackson's father as a "big, black b*stard" on air has been awarded more than $30,000 in compensation, after a senior FWC member found a recording of the exchange clearly showed it was not a racist slur.

ROC aware of Minister's interest in donations: AWU

The Registered Organisations Commission knew that Employment Minister Michaelia Cash had a "keen political interest" in the AWU's past donations and this influenced its decision to start investigating the matter in October 2017, the union told the Federal Court today.

Academic sues university amid "toxic environment" claims

The head of a prominent university school is challenging her employer's ability to suspend her from leadership duties while allegedly requiring her to continue teaching, as part of a wide-ranging Federal Court attack on its disciplinary process.

Axing dredging deals no drag on workers or projects: FWC

Maritime unions have failed to convince the FWC terminating two nominally-expired agreements that, in one case, had covered no workers since 2013 would sabotage the timetables of new dredging projects.

Two jobs with single employer don't count as one: Court

A worker who concurrently held two "separate and distinct" part-time roles with Australia Post has failed to win $200,000 in overtime and meal allowances he claimed he was owed under the organisation's agreement, after the Federal Court ruled that they didn't amount to a single job with combined hours under the Fair Work Act.