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Six-hour wait unpaid: FWC

Victoria's police federation has lost a battle to secure overtime for officers working at the 2014 G20 leaders' summit in Brisbane after the FWC concluded they were not working in the six hours between checking out of their hotel and a bus arriving to take them to their homebound flights.

Senate composition in flux again after Day ruling

The High Court today confirmed the Turnbull Government's loss of a crucial workplace legislation vote in the Upper House when it ruled that former Family First Senator Bob Day was ineligible to take his seat due to an indirect pecuniary interest.

Governments rally against challenge to anti-protest laws

Unions say they are closely watching former Greens leader Bob Brown's High Court challenge to Tasmania's anti-protest laws, which has seen the federal and four state governments – three of them Labor – lining up to defend the legislation.

$1000 hit for refusing service to union member

A tribunal has awarded an actor and MEAA member $1,000 compensation for discrimination by a cinema that refused to sell her a movie ticket because she belonged to the union.

Union says pay-cutting deal spurs plant consolidation

As a new agreement covering Coca-Cola Amatil's expanding Queensland manufacturing operations awaits consideration in the FWC, United Voice has accused the employer of closing its South Australian plant to take advantage of the lower-paying northern state deal.

Schools' rollover deal an "honorable draw": Union

The SA branch of the IEU and employers have conceded defeat after almost two years of bitter negotiations for a new deal covering the state's Catholic schools, with both withdrawing their claims and settling on backdated pay rises aligned with those in government schools.

Cash imposes sanction on Hutchinson, as CFMEU refuses to change deals

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has imposed the first-ever sanction under the national construction code against a builder, temporarily prohibiting J Hutchinson Pty Ltd from securing federal contracts, while the CFMEU has hardened its position against re-opening deals to make them compliant with the latest changes to the 2016 code.