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Pay rises in private sector agreements drop below 3%

Wage growth in private sector federal agreements approved by the FWC in the December quarter of last year dropped to a new 24-year low, according to the Department of Employment.

"National security" hearing proceeds behind closed doors

The Turnbull Government has pressed ahead with its application for a three-month ban on industrial action by border protection and immigration workers, which is being strongly opposed by the CPSU.

Bench shuts down employer strategy to stymie strikes

A FWC full bench has rejected an employer's bid to block protected industrial action, confirming that its invalid notice of employee representational rights didn't knock out a union's protected action ballot application.

Rail union shunted out of the Pilbara

The FWC has ruled that the Rail Tram & Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.

FWC backs 25% pay cut after roster change

The FWC has cited Alice in Wonderland in endorsing an employer's right under its enterprise agreement to impose a 25% annual salary reduction on hundreds of fly-in, fly-out rail maintenance workers it shifted from a 14-days-on, seven-days-off roster to a seven-days-on, seven-days-off regime.

Strikes to resume at international airports

The CPSU will resume industrial action at international airports from tomorrow, after postponing plans for Easter strikes in response to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's request in the wake of last week's terror attacks in Brussels.

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.