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Spotlight employees better off under award, FWC finds

Employees of national retailer Spotlight will return to award conditions today, after enterprise bargaining negotiations with the SDA failed and the union convinced the Fair Work Commission to terminate the company's first-ever collective agreement.

Bargaining continuing, as MUA offshore members go out

The MUA pushed ahead with a 24-hour strike at Tidewater Marine today, ahead of the broader dispute over bargaining in the offshore oil and gas service sector heading back to the Fair Work Commission.

FSU to seek NAB performance pay flow-on

The FSU will push to flow on changes in performance pay agreed with the National Australia Bank into upcoming bargaining grounds at the other three big banks.

Newman to push High Court to adopt new test for trading corporation

The Queensland Government has foreshadowed that it will argue for a new test for what constitutes a trading corporation, when the High Court later this year hears a union bid to ensure Queensland Rail workers remain covered by the Fair Work Act despite the state government's de-corporatisation of the rail authority.

Senate committee backs Fair Work amendments

The Senate's Education and Employment Legislation Committee has recommended today that the upper house pass the government's Fair Work Amendment Bill unamended, with the ALP and the Greens tabling separate reports opposing the legislation.

Tidewater order followed MUA official's unavailability

The Fair Work Commission's decision to temporarily halt a planned 48-hour strike at Tidewater Marine took into account that an MUA official was unavailable to give evidence in person to the tribunal.

FWC refuses to halt Patrick retrenchments

The Fair Work Commission will allow Patrick Stevedores to proceed with job cuts at the Port of Melbourne, after rejecting an MUA bid for an interim restraining order because the balance of convenience lay with the employer.

Full Federal Court weighs up Toyota "no extra claims" clause

Toyota's best chance of overturning last year's ruling that stopped its employees voting on the company's proposed changes to its Altona enterprise agreement appear to rest with its argument that the "no extra claims" clause in the deal is directly inconsistent with the Fair Work Act, after other appeal grounds fell away in argument before the full Federal Court yesterday.