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FSU urging full bench to reject "oversold" CBA deal

After accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to force a non-union deal down workers' throats, the FSU is now objecting to its FWC approval at the same time as running a test case to claw back superannuation it claims should be paid on leave loading.

Multinational's deal terminated despite claimed threat to industry

A senior FWC member has scrapped a multinational dredging company's expired deal so it can better compete for "new market opportunities", despite union claims that lower wages will send skilled workers elsewhere and that the current lack of projects is only temporary.

Something fishy about "novel" employment category: FWC

The FWC has rejected a leading seafood producer's attempt to introduce a "novel" employment category that would place employees on a full-time roster with 5% loading to compensate for the loss of up to eight hours' work at short notice.

Telstra made fair call on safety rep's redundancy: FWC

The FWC has found a Telstra HR specialist properly handled an OHS representative's challenge to his retrenchment, despite the CEPU contending his selection was "infected by bias" due to his role and a history of interpersonal conflict with his manager.

Deal termination rejected despite no work

In a significant decision on the definition of an employee, the FWC has rejected a pharmaceutical manufacturer's bid to terminate its agreement after finding that the vast majority of workers laid off after a factory fire had not been invited to vote on the proposal.

NZ's Fair Pay Agreements "biggest change in decades"

New Zealand's Ardern Labour Government is drafting legislation to overhaul its IR system and introduce occupation and industry-wide bargaining where unions can demonstrate support or it passes a public interest test, but businesses say its "compulsory" nature breaches international law.

GFB ruling paves way for pit supervisors deal

A recent FWC finding that BHP engaged in unfair bargaining practices, and subsequent tribunal-chaired negotiations, have led to Professionals Australia securing the first standalone enterprise deal for coal mining supervisors.

TWU and VIPA to proceed with merger

The merger between the Transport Workers Union and the Virgin Independent Pilots Association in July will lead to the creation of a pilots' division within the TWU, subject to VIPA members approving the nuptials in a ballot.