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Employer overshoots with summary dismissal

An IT manager and internationally-renowned competitive shooter, sacked for serious misconduct after his friend brought a dangerous, high-powered weapon into the workplace and asked for his advice, will receive more than $8,000 in compensation after the FWC ruled his summary dismissal was unwarranted.

Queensland Nickel workers owed $74 million

The administrators of Clive Palmer's Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd have recommended the company be put into liquidation next week, opening the way for hundreds of sacked workers to be paid under the Federal Government's Fair Entitlements Guarantee.

FWC upholds summary sacking for sending group emails

The FWC has found an employer was entitled to summarily dismiss an employee who lodged complaints and sent group emails accusing managers of bullying and appointing a friend to a job he had unsuccessfully sought.

Positive drug test justifies sacking; and more

Positive drug test justifies sacking; THC-positive worker to get his day in tribunal; Bench upholds BHP Coal's sacking of worker for safety breach; Genuine redundancy after Amex outsources work to India; and Threats no way to negotiate with employer.

IR "disrupter" wins publication ban

A self-described IR advisory sector "disrupter" that unfairly dismissed an injured worker has won an order to prohibit publication of the compensation decision, after arguing it would provide competitors with "significant insight" into its business.

DHS worker sacked for social media comments wins job back

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a Centrelink officer who described customers as "spastics" and "whingeing junkies" on social media and posted comments that allegedly criticised the government and brought his employer's reputation into disrepute.

Tribunal reinstates ATO's "square peg in a round hole"

The FWC has ordered the ATO to reinstate a senior officer dismissed for being a "square peg" that wouldn't fit into a round hole after he was unable to perform the duties of a new role.