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ACTU-led coalition pushes for harassment change

Unions and gender equality activists will push the Morrison Government to move quickly to introduce legal obligations for employers to prevent sexual harassment and assault at work.

Morrison Government responds to Respect@Work

The Morrison Government says it has adopted the 55 recommendations "wholly, in part, or in principle" in Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark report on sexual harassment.

Breakfast giant wins right to use external lawyer

The FWC will allow multinational cereal giant Sanitarium to lawyer-up to defend two unfair dismissal claims, noting it is "stressful enough" for an HR manager to be a witness without also representing the company, while its membership of an employer group is irrelevant.

Partner's "thuggish" texts didn't warrant sacking: FWC

A barrage of "thuggish" texts sent by the partner of a worker alleging harassment and bullying did not justify her dismissal, the FWC has found, describing the employer's attempt to vacuum-seal its investigation of her claims as both unreasonable and unrealistic.

Manager sues Rinehart business after "traumatic" meeting

The high-profile chief executive of a Hancock Prospecting subsidiary has denied intimidating a former manager over a missed deadline, claiming instead that she called fellow team members "f--kers" as they clashed about approaches to finalising the business-critical report.

Inappropriate behaviour prompted former organiser's sacking: HSU

The HSU has struck back at a former organiser's age discrimination claim, saying she inappropriately made a secret recording and revealed at a divisional council meeting that she'd call "rape rape rape" if ever left alone with any manager who bullied or intimidated her.

Scientist's redundancy a sad case of economic rationalism: Judge

A judge has taken an unsparing swipe at "economically rationalist management policy" in considering an eminent CSIRO scientist's challenge to his redundancy, bemoaning a selection process based on candidates' capacity for "external revenue generation".

HR process undermined "very strong" sacking case: FWC

A mining company must reinstate a summarily sacked coal mine worker and reimburse six months' lost income after its hasty and "inadequate" HR disciplinary process "effectively turned a very strong case with a valid reason to one with little or no procedural fairness".