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FWC backs axing for storing drug-growing gear at work

A sales representative with permission to keep some possessions at work has failed to establish that his employer therefore had no grounds to dismiss him for storing hydroponic equipment used to grow marijuana.

Paramedic's "debasing" comments at hanging justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a paramedic accused of prematurely ending the resuscitation of a teenager who hanged himself, finding she lied to an investigator about her reasons for doing so and made "debasing" statements.

Lawyer's advocacy "masterclass": FWC

In what stands as a tribute to the qualities the FWC looks for in employers' legal representatives, an experienced tribunal member has praised a senior associate for "a masterclass in the art of advocacy" that avoided bamboozling or belittling an unrepresented bus driver.

Assaulted worker should have returned to job: FWC

The FWC has upheld a company's claim that despite its two principals physically assaulting a worker and engaging in angry exchanges with him, it did not sack him.

Uber ruling underlines need for legislative fix: Academic

An FWC majority finding that an Uber delivery driver could not bring an unfair dismissal claim as she was an independent contractor highlights a need for legislative intervention to recognise that many gig workers are employees, says a leading employment law academic.

High-earning manager can't contest sacking: FWC

A senior manager on a $240,000 annual remuneration package has failed to convince the FWC he is an award-covered employee protected from unfair dismissal.

"Time theft" ends tenure of operating theatre cleaners

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a hospital operating theatre cleaner who spent 44% of his working time, excluding breaks, in a tea room, but has scolded the employer for its "faintly ridiculous" arguments against allowing him to "meticuously review" damning CCTV footage.

Left-handed worker's sacking not quite right: Court

A major gas supplier has been ordered to reinstate a left-handed worker whose primary duties involved lifting five-kilogram cylinders, after basing his dismissal on an assessment that right shoulder and neck pain meant he could lift no more than 20kgs.