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FWC opens consultations on anti-harassment regime

The FWC has today launched a consultation process for its new anti-s-xual-harassment jurisdiction, which starts operating from November 11, while it has also published a benchbook on the regime.

Rapid FWC response crucial in COVID-19 survival strategy: Paper

Australia had less need than other countries to turn to legislation to provide short-term workplace flexibility in response to COVID-19 because of "swift" and "bold" yet self-restrained interventions by the FWC, according to new research.

WFH shift should spur reform of flexibility request rights: Study

The insights gained from the rapid shift to working from home during COVID-19 could lead to the adoption of a "genuine consultation" requirement under the Fair Work Act's "right to request" flexibility that might start "a conversation aimed at reaching a mutually suitable arrangement", according to a new paper by two leading IR academics.

Costs against "impossible" delegate who sought $500K settlement

A RTBU delegate dismissed after managers found him "impossible" to deal with has been ordered to pay his employer's costs of defending his unsuccessful adverse action case, in which a judge found he unreasonably rejected settlement offers despite clear evidence he would never be reinstated.

Mining vax mandate; Rioters facing expulsion; & more

Vaccination mandate for WA resources sector; CFMMEU preparing to expel rioting members; FWO claws back underpayments for hotel quarantine security guards; High Court to consider jurisdictional question.

Employer hits "absolute barrier" to legal representation

In a decision further clarifying when clients can be legally represented in workplace matters, a Queensland IRC member has confirmed he has no power to involve lawyers in underpayment cases.

Public purse should cover delayed commissions: AAT

The AAT has found a real estate agent eligible for FEG payments reflecting the balance of sales commissions even though they became payable on the post-administration settlement of properties, quashing an Attorney-General's Department decision to the contrary.

Furlong appointed FWC general manager

Former FWC delegate Murray Furlong has today been appointed general manager of the Commission, replacing Bernadette O'Neill.

Flexible arrangement ultimately untenable for employer: FWC

The FWC has upheld a construction company's dismissal of a receptionist who juggled work with caring for a grandson with special needs, finding the small business was "exceptionally flexible and considerate" but the situation became untenable.

Pistol club returns fire over manager's underpayment claims

A pistol club accused of underpaying a manager for more than a decade and threatening to sack and evict her when she sought her full entitlements is claiming that she was largely a volunteer who worked "minimal" hours to preserve her welfare payments, despite being named as manager on its website.