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Newsflash: Union wins Qantas outsourcing case

In a case expected to have "far reaching consequences", the TWU has won its Federal Court adverse action case against Qantas over its shunning of the union's in-house bid when the airline decided to outsource the work of 2000 ground-handlers.

Gina's rail deal veered off track: FWC bench

A FWC bench has scrapped a contentious deal covering train drivers servicing the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network after finding the employer engaged in "corporate manipulation" by creating a parallel business to bargain with two newly-hired workers for an inferior agreement.

Newsflash: High Court to hand down Rossato judgment

The High Court will next Wednesday hand down its much-anticipated judgment in labour hire company Workpac's challenge to a finding that coal mineworker Robert Rossato had an entitlement to paid leave while engaged as a casual on consecutive contracts for almost four years.

Autism, custody dispute explain late application: FWC

A worker who says a custody dispute, a family death and high-functioning autism all contributed to his unfair dismissal application being late has won an extension of time to challenge his sacking.

FWC ends 10-year-old case despite worker's protests

A senior FWC member has declined to recuse herself before throwing out a decade-old unfair dismissal case that was put on ice indefinitely due to the worker's mental illness.

Mining sector backs Jenkins' positive duty call

The resource sector's peak body has backed Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' call for the Morrison Government to include her "positive duty" recommendation in the Respect at Work legislation.

Union, official fined after mistaken rally advice

The Federal Court has reined in fines sought against a union official after accepting he organised a building site stopwork and unlawfully requested strike pay out of "guilt" for telling workers they wouldn't get in trouble for attending a "Change The Rules" rally.

FWC puts hospitality loaded rates firmly on menu

Higher-paid hospitality workers appear set to have their overtime and penalty payments rolled up into loaded rates after a FWC full bench yesterday provisionally supported employers' push to vary the sector's award.

Name and shame threat for recalcitrant pollies

The Morrison Government will establish an independent complaints mechanism to handle sexual harassment, assaults and bullying in Federal parliamentary workplaces, while it is also considering "naming and shaming" MPs and senators who fail to undertake anti-harassment training.