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Police nail 1.75% pay rise as paramedics "win" 0.3%

The NSW IRC has awarded police a 1.75% pay rise after finding their award does not reflect productivity and efficiency improvements since 2011, but the state's paramedics will get only 0.3% with a one-off payment to boost their first year's increase to $1000.

Union poses "ultimate question" to assess employment status

The CFMMEU has told the High Court that applying the multifactorial test to determine if a worker is an employee or independent contractor is a "vacuous" approach without ultimately establishing whether they are conducting their own business.

Tribunal throws out sacked CEO's reprisal claims

A Logan City Council chief executive who alleged she was sacked by elected members after accusing the mayor of corruption has had her adverse action and whistleblowing claims thrown out by Queensland's IRC.

A-G's seeking FWC GM applications by mid-May

The Attorney-General's Department has moved to speedily appoint a new general manager to the FWC, while signalling that a key part of the role is to oversee "significant transformation" of the tribunal's "digital capabilities".

A little respect: FWC member welcomed

A new FWC member has warned that anyone who uses the term "with respect" when addressing him at the tribunal does so at their peril.

Unfair to stand in way of cost savings: FWC

The FWC has cleared the way for Bluescope to outsource the cleaning role of skilled operators at its Port Kembla bulk berth department, finding it would be unfair to stop it achieving financial benefits of improved flexibility even though it will cost eight permanent positions.

$200,000 for worker mortified by poster

A tribunal in awarding a former Sydney Water worker $200,000 damages has factored in a "weasel worded" apology issued by the consultancy responsible for using her image in a "Feel great - lubricate!" safety campaign.

Berejiklian backs Goward anti-harassment recommendations

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has promised to act on a report that found the protections for State ministerial staff against bullying and harassment are "unclear, ineffective and inadequate".

"Naïve" Facebook post insufficient reason for sacking: FWC

In a decision highlighting both the perils of "naïve" social media use and the incongruities of the JobKeeper program, the FWC has declined to award compensation to a teenage casual swim instructor unfairly sacked for recommending a rival business on a community Facebook page.

Appeal court upholds public sector's "notional" pay rise

In a setback for unions fighting a mooted 1.5% pay cap for NSW public servants, the state's Court of Appeal has upheld a decision affirming a 0.3% increase in the 2020-21 financial year, in part because investing in infrastructure would be better than wages in stimulating the economy during the pandemic.