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MUA rejects wharf chaos fears

International shipowners and shipping lines have warned governments around the country that protected industrial action by the MUA targeting individual ships could halt the flow of vital goods and threaten businesses and jobs in the logistics sector.

Rule change streamlines ASU leadership team

The FWC has granted the ASU a rule change allowing it to abolish one of two assistant national secretary positions and exercise more flexibility in light of COVID-19 when scheduling meetings and its national conference.

FWC's Kovacic had poor opinion of umpires: Brother

Mourners at today's live-streamed funeral service for John Kovacic heard that the otherwise mild-mannered man who joined the nation's industrial umpire in 2013 became a different character when he attended a rugby league match featuring his beloved Wests Tigers, when referees making adverse rulings were "blind", or "stupid".

Ice hockey player suing league after homophobic vilification

An "openly bis-xual" Canadian ice hockey player is suing the Australian national league for failing to register him for a second season, accusing it of taking adverse action on the basis of his s-xuality and complaints about homophobic vilification.

ACTU lament as employers, government toast High Court leave case win

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has called for legislative changes to lock in 10 days paid personal leave each year for all employees regardless of hours worked, following a High Court decision today she claims blows a "massive" hole in the nation's defences against COVID-19.

Listed company sued over abrupt COVID-19 sacking

A former labour hire design engineer who claims he became an ASX-listed company's direct full-time employee is seeking redundancy pay and more than six years of entitlements after it allegedly sacked him with one day's notice due to COVID-19.

Newsflash: High Court overturns Mondelez leave decision

A High Court majority has rejected union arguments that employees working longer than standard hours are entitled to use those hours as the basis for calculating their entitlement to 10 days paid personal/carer's leave for each year of service.

"Hero" nurses on track for 3% pay hikes

The Victorian government has pledged to honour promised pay rises totalling 9% over four years to nurses and midwives working in the State's public health system, along with a "one-stop shop" for long service leave.