Institutions, tribunals, courts page 222 of 358

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NSW Labor to expand IR territory if elected

NSW Labor has laid out its plan to beef up the State's OHS, anti-discrimination and anti-bullying jurisdiction, including by reviving the industrial court and extending access to private sector employees, if it wins Saturday's election.

Company too quick to find worker abandoned job: FWC

In a reminder to employers to double-check before assuming a worker has abandoned their employment, a business must pay $7000 to an ex-employee after it withdrew his visa sponsorship over an unexplained three-day absence that turned out to be GP-recommended stress leave.

Boys club tag irksome, says female union secretary

The first female secretary of SA's firefighters' union says that claims in an Equal Opportunity report that the service is a "boys club" and that the UFU is an impediment to change do not reflect the actions or priorities of the organisation's new guard nor the members that voted it in.

FWC bares teeth with jail threat

In a rare case, two former operators of a Canberra massage parlour potentially face up to a year in jail for allegedly providing false or misleading evidence to the FWC.

Court reinstates executive who ran afoul of HR manager

A company has been forced to reinstate a long-serving senior executive it sacked more than three years ago following his stoush with an HR manager, while also facing a bill of more than $1 million in back pay, long service leave, penalties and compensation.