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"Strange" timing as council scraps work-from-home custom

In a case of curious timing, the FWC has endorsed a council's mid-pandemic scrapping of an enduring work-from-home arrangement on the basis it fell outside the purview of a flexible work agreement clause.

Workpac seeks to take Rossato to High Court

Labour hire company Workpac has sought special leave to appeal to the High Court last month's momentous Rossato decision paving the way for casuals to claim leave entitlements, a ruling employers now estimate could expose them to more than $14 billion in back-pay.

Victoria's new wage theft laws "a waste of money": Porter

Federal IR Minister Christian Porter has described as "ill-conceived" yesterday's passage through Victorian Parliament of a law creating a criminal offence for deliberate underpayment of wages and establishing a state-based wage inspectorate with wide investigative powers.

Bench rules on when undertakings can be accepted

In a significant decision on agreement-making, an FWC full bench has clarified that the tribunal must reject any undertakings that have a "transformative" effect such that they could have affected workers' votes.

"Zoned out" truckie's sacking upheld

The FWC has upheld the summary dismissal of a truck driver who failed to provide a urine sample after a three-hour wait at a medical clinic, finding he did not make a reasonable effort to fix the problem.

FWC permits dismissal claim against deregistered company

After confirming a company's deregistration is no barrier to determining an unfair dismissal claim, the FWC has found the sacking complied with the small business dismissal code but has referred "questionable practices" to the ATO and Home Affairs.

Names on ballots didn't invalidate virus-driven vote: FWC

The FWC has let a construction company bin a 5% pay rise that came into effect in February plus next year's increase, despite CFMMEU evidence that some workers felt pressured to support the COVID-19 variation in a ballot that identified their vote.

COVID-crunched employer wins 70% discount on redundancies

A pandemic-affected employer has succeeded in having redundancy payments to four workers slashed by almost 70%, the FWC finding its perilous cash position and obligation to remaining employees outweighed the impact on the quartet.

Union abandons reg challenge; Delay wage theft law: AiG; & more

Court finding on notice period change shredded; Call to halt wage theft law until working party concludes; Industry super paper concedes employees might bear costs of super rises; and $15K for academic in "labyrinthine" case.