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AWU raids trial pushed back to September

The Federal Court today granted an AWU application to delay by a month the trial of its bid to quash the investigation that led to Federal Police raids on the union's offices last year.

Full court closes potential entry laws loophole

A full Federal Court has upheld the ABCC's challenge to a finding that two CFMEU officials who intentionally disregarded requests to show entry permits did not breach the Fair Work Act's entry restrictions, because they were not seeking to exercise their lawful rights.

Imprisonment for former union leader

Former NUW NSW branch secretary Derrick Belan has been sentenced to four years' jail on 60 charges that involved more than $650,000 of union funds, including personal spending on a tattoo, Botox treatments, holidays and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Indemnity costs against employee who sought to punish employer

The FWC has taken the rare step of ordering indemnity costs against a manager accused of HR breaches, finding she kept pressing a "doomed to fail" unfair dismissal application in a bid to inflict maximum harm, but it has thrown out a costs claim against her solicitor.

"High hurdle" halts pilots' rule change plans

The FWC has today ruled out a contentious rule change sought by a pilots union because it failed to abide by requirements to secure support from a two-thirds majority of its governing body.

Guard "ambushed" over misconduct claims: FWC

A large employer's failure to tell an employee what claims were being investigated before conducting a recorded interview was among a number of flaws identified by the FWC in a procedurally "infected" dismissal.

Sacked s-xter didn't need co-workers to say "stop": FWC

The FWC has emphasised that young women should not have to tell older superiors that they don't want sexually loaded communications, upholding the sacking of a senior council worker who insisted younger co-workers welcomed his numerous salacious texts.