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Aldi deal wins High Court coverage endorsement but needs reBOOT

The High Court has directed an FWC full bench to re-determine whether a controversial Aldi agreement for a new distribution centre passes the better off overall test, but it has agreed with the retailer that deals covering new enterprises can extend to employees yet to work there.

AWU might face damages after High Court rules bans unlawful

The High Court has today upheld an appeal by Esso Australia against a finding that industrial action taken by the AWU in 2015 was protected, in a decision that leaves the way open for a substantial damages claim against the union.

FWC makes recommendation to bring peace to Griffin Coal

The AMWU has welcomed an FWC recommendation to end the long-running maintenance dispute at Griffin Coal and put a proposed agreement to the workforce, calling the package a "common sense middle ground" and a "sensible solution".

Setka might challenge blackmail charges all the way to High Court

CFMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka has foreshadowed an appeal to the High Court if the State's Court of Appeal does not throw out blackmail charges against him and his lieutenant next year.

GPS catches out timesheet fraudster

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a group training company's trainer for falsifying his timesheets, but has upbraided the employer for failing to give the worker enough time to study the complex allegations against him.

FWC denies costs after worker drops dismissal case upon seeing porn evidence

The FWC has rejected a union branch's bid to recoup costs from an organiser who withdrew his unfair dismissal claim, noting he was told he'd be sacked if he didn't resign after informing the secretary's husband he wouldn't be voting for him in an internal Labor election.