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Union pushing Shine to bargain with Victorian employees

The ASU and Shine Lawyers are awaiting a ruling on whether the FWC will grant a majority support determination so the union can bargain on behalf of employees in Victoria, after the law firm questioned whether the group has been fairly chosen.

"Ignominiously memorable" case underlines importance of unfair dismissal protections: FWC

An employer treated a long-serving worker like a "dirty rag" when it sacked her for an alleged incapacity to meet her job's inherent requirements, the FWC has found in what it describes as an "ignominiously memorable" case that provides a "strong foundation for argument against any lessening" of unfair dismissal protections.

Happy ending for worker sacked over JK Rowling book

The FWC has expressed "surprise" at the HR practices of a major courier company that dismissed a depot manager who was partially responsible for a breach of a worldwide embargo on a new JK Rowling book and was the subject of unfounded bullying allegations.

Indecent assault conviction irrelevant to working with children: Tribunal

A community-spirited junior football coach who runs positive behaviour workshops for teenagers has had his Working With Children approval restored after a tribunal found an indecent assault conviction involving a women half his age did not mean he posed a threat to children.

FWC deplores "shabby" treatment of underpaid foreign worker

The FWC has slammed an employer for "behaviour of the shabbiest type" when it "de-rostered" an employee and cancelled his 457 visa sponsorship application because he asked to be paid his minimum lawful entitlements.

"Active deceit" costs worker her job

A tribunal has upheld the dismissal of an employee who deceived her employer when she claimed workers' compensation while she performed paid work in a second job, but has identified flaws in the employer’s investigation.

FWC rejects attempt to remove Coles' lawyers

An FWC full bench has refused to accept Coles Supermarkets night-fill employee Penny Vickers' argument that its law firm's conflict of interest should rule it out from helping to repel her bid to terminate its 2011 agreement.