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Bench quashes costs order against worker's representative

An FWC full bench has quashed an order requiring a worker's representative, due to his unreasonable acts or omissions, to pay more than $11,000 of the employer's costs in an unfair dismissal case.

Bench hits CFMEU with twelve-fold penalty increase for blockade

A full Federal Court majority has found that the court cannot treat a "lawful request" or a party's motivation for taking coercive industrial action as a mitigating factor when assessing penalties and has ordered a twelve-fold increase in fines against the CFMEU for organising a blockade at Perth International Airport in 2013.

Federal Court to decide whether BOOT on state or federal footing

A full Federal Court will in August hear an application from Queensland employers facing millions of dollars in backpay claims following a full FWC bench decision that apprentices' pay should be measured against the more generous federal award rather than the state award when conducting the BOOT.

ACTU seeks 6.7% minimum wage rise

The ACTU is asking the FWC for a $45 a week or 6.7% increase in the national minimum wage, as it begins a push under its fresh leadership to lift minimum rates towards a new benchmark against average weekly earnings.

Court orders former manager to cough-up electronic files

The Supreme Court has ordered a school uniform importer and manufacturer's former business development manager suspected of taking confidential information with her when she left to start her own business to hand over digital files for inspection.

Memo reveals behind-the-scenes battle before Watson exit

Former FWC vice president Graeme Watson refused to share with other members of a full bench the conclusion of his decision on the ACTU's domestic violence clause claim, an internal memo released by the tribunal's president has revealed.

Teachers win extra non-teaching days under new deal

Victoria's public school teachers have won a 14% pay rise and an extra four annual non-teaching "planning" days under a four-year deal that also boosts principals' pay by 17% and provides permanency for at least 7,500 contract teachers and support workers.

Bench rejects union's adverse action case against BHP Coal

A full Federal Court has upheld a procedural decision to strike out an amended statement of claim in dismissing CFMEU's appeal alleging BHP Coal took adverse action against miners when it engaged a contractor with a cheaper workforce.