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Caesarean section doesn't convert father to primary carer: FWC

Two BHP Coal employees who helped look after their newborn babies while their partners recovered from caesarean sections were not entitled to parental leave as the primary care givers under the company's enterprise agreement, the FWC has ruled.

Thomson's escort allegations to be re-aired in civil case

Fair Work Commission general manager Bernadette O'Neill has today asked the Federal Court to "re-enliven" parts of her civil proceedings against former HSU national secretary, Craig Thomson.

Manufacturing demarcation fight heads to full bench

A demarcation dispute over coverage of employees at high-end medical equipment manufacturer ResMed Limited will be heard by a FWC full bench, with the AWU and the company opposing the AMWU's bid to extend its eligibility rules.

Senior public official loses breach of contract case

A state government that lost confidence in its mining warden did not breach his employment contract when it removed him from office, nor did it contravene trade practices laws when it originally offered him the role, a court has ruled.

FWC bench settles "genuinely seeking agreement" debate

A senior FWC full bench has moved to clarify the confusion caused by conflicting decisions on whether unions that bargain for non-permitted matters are "genuinely trying to reach an agreement" under the Fair Work Act.

Victorian Government moves to scrap anti-picket laws

Honouring one of its election commitments, the Victorian Labor Government will today introduce legislation to abolish the former Coalition Government's anti-picketing laws.

Federal Court to hear high stakes sham contracting case

The Federal Court will examine the multi-level marketing operations of an international networking business after the Federal Circuit Court ruled that a sham contracting case launched by the FWO was complex and lengthy enough to go to a higher authority.

Federal Government defends corporations power reach in High Court

The Federal Government has told the High Court that the Queensland Government's argument against a union challenge to legislation removing Queensland Rail workers from the federal IR system would thwart the operation of the Constitution's corporations power.

No power to fetter protected action vote: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that it has no jurisdiction to impose conditions on industrial action when it orders a protected action ballot, rejecting Aurizon's bid for it to require the rail union to guarantee it won't interfere with the transport of perishable or hazardous goods.

Court refuses pre-case discovery to back confidence breach suspicions

The Federal Court has refused to compel three employees to hand over documents to their former employer to help it decide whether to sue them for breaching contract and corporations laws, finding the company had failed to make enough inquiries of its own before seeking discovery orders.