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Labor vows to reverse religious bias "flaws", after election

The Opposition says it will seek to address "big flaws" in the Morrison Government's religious discrimination legislation, moving changes in both houses, but it leaves the party with wiggle room for the bills to pass if its amendments fail.

Tribunal raises the bar in out-of-hours conduct ruling

The FWC has taken Westpac to task for staging a networking soirée in a sports bar with free alcohol and found it appeared to cloud the judgement of a senior manager who touched a junior colleague's buttocks, but has nevertheless upheld his "catastrophic" sacking.

Pass religious bias bills with minor changes: Coalition senators

Government senators on the inquiry into the religious discrimination bills have recommended it pass with minor amendments, and say it should be the role of future governments to "monitor the impacts" of contentious provisions allowing "statements of belief" and overriding state-based protections against discrimination in employment by faith-based bodies.

Rio acknowledges culture report "deeply disturbing"

Rio Tinto's HR practitioners are among the most confident within the company that it can tackle "deeply disturbing" levels of sexual harassment, bullying and racism, as an external report recommends it create an independent unit to better handle complaints.

Telstra sued over stalker employee

Telstra is being sued by former customers who allege it is liable for the actions of a past employee who stalked the couple after he accessed confidential contact details.

Harassment started at job interview: Manager

The Australian arm of an international pest control company is facing claims its chief executive and HR manager victimised and discriminated against its business development manager because she accused a colleague of repeatedly s-xually harassing her.

Tassie says "Canberra can butt out" on religious bias bill

Tasmania's government and NGOs - including unions - have united in opposition to the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill because of provisions that override "gold standard" State anti-discrimination legislation that protects LGBTIQ+ employees in faith-based workplaces.

News Corp rejects "any wrongdoing" by top editor

News Corp has rejected "any suggestion of wrongdoing" by former executive and Sydney Daily Telegraph ex-editor Col Allan, after the New York Post's former managing editor accused him of sex-based harassment and pursued him for an unspecified amount of compensation and punitive damages in the United States.

A-G's defends charge of "dishonest" claims in religion bill EM

A senior Attorney-General's official has denied that the department failed to comply with its obligation to act with "honesty and integrity" when it asserted in the Religious Discrimination Bill's explanatory memorandum that the "statements of belief" provisions had no effect on other laws.