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AWU membership up, but CFMMEU's down as union splits

After years of battles with the organisations regulator over inaccurate membership records, the AWU has increased its supporter base by 1.5% in the latest reporting period, while the warring CFMMEU has shed 9,000 or 6% of its members in the last two reporting years.

Unions seeking "ironclad" exploited visa worker assurance

Unions NSW and human rights' groups are pushing for the Albanese Government to legislate an "ironclad guarantee" that migrant workers who report employer exploitation will not have their visas cancelled.

Watchdog prosecutes Woolies for LSL breaches

Wage Inspectorate Victoria has filed more than 1,000 criminal charges against Woolworths Group Limited and a subsidiary, alleging they failed to pay more than $1 million in long service leave to 1,235 former employees.

Court stays silica dust case until FWC ruling

The AWU's pursuit of fines against builders John Holland for allegedly denying an official lawful access to test silica dust levels on Australia's biggest road project has been put on hold, after a judge accepted that the FWC is the best forum to quickly determine entry rights when workers' health is potentially in jeopardy.

More than $1 billion backpaid in past two years: FWO

Large corporates and universities accounted for almost two-thirds of the $509 million in unpaid wages and entitlements recovered by the FWO in 2022-23 on behalf of more than 250,000 workers, the workplace watchdog revealed today.

Ravbar snagged for barbie entry breaches

CFMMEU leader Michael Ravbar has been skewered with his second personal penalty in four months for "blatantly" breaching entry rights when delaying work at a major project to promote an industry super fund during unauthorised early morning barbecues.

Sacked train driver acted in self-defence: FWC

The FWC has reinstated a train driver sacked for kicking and grappling with a stranger on a station concourse while on his way to work, after finding the employer failed to properly weigh his right to defend himself from attack.

Court to consider AMWU election inquiry

The Federal Court will in October consider whether it has reasonable grounds to start an inquiry into a recent AMWU election, at the urging of an organiser who narrowly missed out on replacing the NSW branch's assistant secretary.

Employer slugged $53K after ignoring FWC "recommendation"

In a powerful demonstration of the consequences of ignoring FWC recommendations, a court has ordered an employer to pay more than $50,000 in penalties and compensation after it failed to act on a commissioner's call to provide a teacher with details of an investigation before sacking her for allegedly tugging the earlobes of two students.

FWO case goes off-piste with compensation claim: Court

A FWO bid to piggyback a compliance notice breach case with underpayment orders has been upended by a court, which observed that merging the two pathways would "undermine" the Fair Work Act's integrity.