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Queensland to investigate "rogue" labour hire arrangements

A Queensland parliamentary inquiry will consider licensing and registration of labour hire companies as the state becomes the third jurisdiction to launch investigations into allegations of sham contracting and abuses of visa workers by labour suppliers.

Court to rule on award to apply at Cleanevent

The AWU and Cleanevent are awaiting a Federal Court ruling on their legal tussle over the modern award to cover cleaners at the Spotless group subsidiary.

Major employer's clerical error sinks agreement

Stevedore DP World has acknowledged its "clerical error" is to blame for the FWC's rejection of proposed enterprise agreements for its Melbourne and Brisbane container terminals, after its ballot declarations wrongly stated that fewer than 10% and 2% of workers respectively supported the deals.

Changes to Fair Work Act begin today

Changes to greenfields agreements bargaining, protected action ballots and unpaid parental leave have come into effect today, after the Federal Government's Fair Work Amendment Bill received Royal Assent yesterday.

FWC responds to "concerted" targeting of employee

The FWC has reversed disciplinary action against an employee, accepting the CFMEU's argument that her employer unfairly targeted her over work performance issues.