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Our contracts do not contain 'work-wages bargain': Deliveroo

The arrangement under which a former driver worked about 30 hours over a 10-month period could not possibly be considered casual employment, Deliveroo has argued in its Federal Circuit Court defence against a sham contracting case.

ROC ends pursuit of NUW NSW branch

The ROC has decided it is not in the public interest to seek penalties against the NUW's NSW branch, despite an 18-month investigation finding its entire management committee probably breached the Registered Organisations Act by failing to properly oversee branch expenditure.

Tensions rise between rival Workpac class actions

In an escalation of tension between the CFMMEU and Adero Law over their competing class actions on behalf of black coal mineworkers allegedly misclassified as casuals by Workpac, the union is asking the courts to compel the law firm to use "reasonable endeavours" to cooperate.

CFMMEU national leader seeks to halt "poaching"

CFMMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor has applied for Federal Court orders to immediately stop construction and general division Victorian branch leader John Setka from encouraging and inducing manufacturing division members to resign and join his operation.

BHP Coal required unreasonable overtime: Court

The Federal Court has held that a BMA coal loading facility breached a reasonable overtime clause in its enterprise agreement by requiring workers to perform more than eight additional hours per week.

Large employer could have done better: FWC

An Orica labour supplier's redundancy method, in which it surprised a full-time employee during downsizing by handing him a letter confirming the "successful completion" of his role, has rendered the dismissal unfair.

Court to umpire sporting dispute over unpaid trial regime

A-League soccer team Central Coast Mariners says it is surprised to find itself at the centre of a possible test case challenging unpaid trial and training arrangements, in which a player claims it misled and exploited him to secure his services for free when he was in fact an employee.

GM wins penalties after "vengeful" denial of entitlements

The former "right-hand" man to a Gold Coast tobacco mogul who styles himself as "the candyman" has won $90,000 in penalties and 10% of his costs for an adverse action case he won two years ago in which a court found the employer "fabricated" a reason to dismiss him.

High Court agrees to hear personal/carer's leave case

The High Court has today granted the Morrison Government and a major food manufacturer special leave to appeal a contentious decision on calculating sick and carers leave, claimed to potentially cost employers an extra $2 billion a year.