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Employer's approach didn't discourage union involvement: FWC

An employer's advice to workers ahead of bargaining that they would be out of a job and in labour hire if the CEPU negotiated a new deal was "forceful" but adequately presented them with a choice of a union or non-union agreement, the FWC has held.

AWU-ROC deal avoids long trial

The AWU has made a formal agreement with the Registered Organisation Commission over its civil prosecution alleging breaches of the law that regulates union membership matters.

Court puts bite on recalcitrant, underpaying dentist

The former director of a liquidated dental practice has been penalised and ordered to backpay a 457 visa worker thousands of dollars after a second adverse underpayment judgment involving his company.

Settlement wins back 100% of FEG outlays

IR Minister Christian Porter has congratulated his department and a Government-appointed special purpose liquidator for securing recovery of 100% of entitlements paid by the FEG to former employees of failed Clive Palmer entity Queensland Nickel.

Employer wanted workers to give "100%" to strike: FWC

An employer has been labelled "disingenuous" and a union told it could struggle to explain its interest to members in the "curious" case of employees not paid for work performed when they returned to their jobs before the end of a protected strike.

Pickers win settlement as labour hire company again digs deep

The labour hire company that last year laid out $150,000 to settle an underpayments claim brought by five fruit pickers has settled another case on behalf of more than 20 workers with "acceptable monetary terms" and the right to return to work.

Bundy deceit justifies sacking, says FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an armoured vehicle operator who admitted that he might not have persevered with his case had his employer granted earlier access to "quite damning" CCTV footage

Government department denied worker natural justice

In a decision probing the practical application of natural justice and procedural fairness principles in a public transport provider's disciplinary process, the FWC has held that it fell short in concluding that a tram driver tried to "wilfully mislead" an investigation.