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Law firm flags crackdown on exploitation and supply chains

In its annual review of the IR landscape, a major employment law firm concedes that while the Turnbull Government's workplace reform agenda may not be fully enacted in this parliamentary term, plans to crack down on worker exploitation have a good prospect of success.

Unions' right of entry in Coalition sights

The re-elected Turnbull government will pursue changes to workplace laws covering union right of entry, according to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash.

$1.5 million WorkCover damages for sexual assault victim

A court has ordered WorkCover to pay $1.5 million to an employee who suffered psychiatric trauma after being sexually assaulted at work, telling a Brisbane youth service that it should have foreseen the risk and stopped attending a problem client.

CFMEU accuses FWBC of smear campaign

The CFMEU has accused the FWBC of allowing a quest to "demonise" it get in the way of proper court processes following the watchdog's announcement that it has filed action against the union over alleged abuse of Gorgon LNG project workers.

HR advisers, managers and recruiters now in FWO's sights

The Fair Work Ombudsman has warned accessorial liability for workplace breaches is now being extended beyond employers and company directors to those working in human resources, management and recruitment.

$90,000 fine for underpaying trolley collectors

A contractor "knowingly involved" in underpaying vulnerable supermarket trolley collectors and a subcontractor who "deliberately" produced false payment records and underpaid employees have been fined more than $90,000 by the Federal Court.